Fun – 03

Another 10 more fun facts about Canada where the Canucks live.

  • Weird Names of places in Canada
  • Longest bridge in the world
  • Golfing in BC
  • Toronto is NOT the capital
  • Ottawa has the longest skating rink of World
  • Free flag for Canucks
  • Meaning of the word Canada (Kanata)
  • Diamonds in Canada
  • World’s Largest Cariboo run in the world
  • The Great One is a Canuck

Click the links below for more fun facts!

Fun Facts 01

Fun Facts 02

Fun Facts 03

Canuck Culture


Fun – 02

Another 10 more fun facts about Canada where the Canucks live.

  • Special Car plates for Canucks
  • French fries, food for The Canucks
  • Most lakes and fresh water of the world
  • Chinook wind in Alberta
  • Wood Buffalo National Park
  • Aboriginal people of Canada
  • The Canadian Population and the Canuck
  • Honorary citizenship of Canada
  • Don’t say this to Canucks
  • Bald eagles and the Canucks

Click the links below for more fun facts!

Fun Facts 01

Fun Facts 02

Fun Facts 03

Canuck Culture



Fun – 01

Canada is a BIG COUNTRY and the Canucks are FUN people to be with. Here are some facts about Canada which you may or may not know.

Fun facts sheet 1:


  • Canada is the most educated Country
  • Santa Claus is a Canuck
  • Phone Number of Canada
  • Canuck Lives in the 2nd largest country in the world
  • Among Top 10 World’s Happiest Country
  • Lowest Temperatures
  • The Longest Unguarded International Border
  • Time Zones of Canada
  • The Delicious Maple Syrup
  • Canuck Money, The Toonies and Loonies


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Fun Facts 2,

Fun Facts 3,