What is this website about?

This website is about the following topics:

1.About Canada
Fun facts about Canada, history, landscape, products, people, culture.. etc. 

2.Going to Canada
Going to Canada either to study, visit, work or immigrate and settle as Canucks and

3.Opportunities in Canada and beyond
Opportunities that are of interest to the Canucks and non-Canucks alike.

NOTE We are NOT a part of nor affiliated with the NHL team of VANCOUVER CANUCKS.
Our posts or articles are entered in the categories described above:
1. About Canada, 2. Going to Canada, and 3. Opportunities

What does the word “Canuck” mean?

The word “Canuck” refers to the Canadian people: the First Nations, Inuit, Métis, and all of us who chose to live in Canada. 

How is the website organized?

Click on the menu items on the top of the page and we update frequently by posting articles.

Our posts are divided under 3 main broad categories:

(1) About Canada,

Facts – basic, fun, top 10, Canuck culture, differences  

Pictures, videos and media relating to Canada

(2) Going to Canada,

Go Canada to



-work, or

-live and retire

Business, personal or career opportunities for the Canucks and non-Canucks;
businesses, real estate for rent, lease, sale, etc.

Connect with us through our social media links or better still sign up for our newsletters.

Who is the website for?

Canucks – This website is for the Canucks who want to bring (or invite) people to come to Canada.
Non-Canucks – It is also for the non-Canucks who want to explore opportunities within Canada or who just want to come to Canada!