About Canada – Basic facts

Official name: Canada

Capital city: Ottawa

Currency: Canadian Dollar CAD

Time Zones: Canada uses 6 Time Zones and Daylight Saving Time is observed in all regions with some exceptions

Regions: 10 provinces, 3 territories on the continent of North America

Date of Independence: July 1st, 1867

Government: Federal Parliamentary Democracy and a Constitutional Monarchy

Head of State: Queen Elizabeth II

Current Prime Minister: Justin Pierre James Trudeau, since 2015

Official languages: English and French

International Organization participation: APEC, G8, G20, ICC, NAFTA, NATO, UN Member, UNESCO, WHO

Total area: 9,984,670 sq. Km (land: 9093507 km², water: 891163 km²), 2nd largest country in the world

Climate: range from temperate(south) to subarctic(north)

Coastline: 202,080 km

FUN FACTS ABOUT CANADA < You may or may not know!